imatge de capçalera

Extracurricular Activities

Each year about 180 students are involved in these activities that take place at noon in the school's facilities. 

Montclar activities

Montclar activities
  • Modern and freestyle dance: This activity seeks to stimulate the artistic part of the sport as well as working the motor skills, coordination, etc. 


  • Typing:   Students will learn to write with agility and correctly on the computer. 

           5th Primary - 4th Secondary

  • Sports Initiation: Activity  for the initiation in different sports. 

          1st-  2nd Primary 

  • Rhythm and gymnastic sports:   Activity designed to work the motor skills through music andchoreographies 


  • Sports Centre: Learning and training of different sports and participation in competitions programmess. 

           3th - 6th Primary

Mestral activities

Mestral activities
  • Football: Students are trained  in different activities guided by specialized instructors. 

          1st - 3th Primary

  • Chess: This activity aims to strengthen the strategy-based learning and logical thinking. 

          4th Primary - 4th Secondary

  • Trumpet: To enjoy the music and enjoy the instrument being protagonist of the own learning. 

          4th Primary - 4th Secondary

  • Robotics: Using different tools and processes, students learn how to program. 

          1st - 4th Secondary

  • German: Guided by a native teacher, students begin to use and rules of this language. 

          4th Secondary

General Information

General Information

Institució Igualada extracurricular activities are organized and coordinated by the AMPA's Center. 

There are a variety of options: chess, trumpet, German, robotics, modern dancing, typing...