_ga | Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios. Caduca a los 2 años. |
_gid | Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios. Caduca a las 24 horas. |
_gcl_au | Se usa para hacer el tracking de las conversiones. Caduca a los 3 meses. |
_dc_gtm_UA-4554452-1 | Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. Caduca al minuto. |
We want to present you the activity of social commitment that your daughters have been carrying out throughout this course and make you participate in a routine of thought along with them.
We will finish this activity with some parent-daughter games.
15:00 to 15:30 Coffee and presentation
15:30 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. Routine of thought and games
We wait for you all!