Campaign "Heart of Solidarity" 2018

With the proximity of the Christmas holidays, our school collaborates as every year in any of the proposals to help the needy.

With the proximity of the Christmas holidays, our school collaborates as every year in any of the proposals to help the needy. It is a very favorable occasion, which we think is not only concentrated at this time of the year, to help our students (your children) to see how important it is to live charity with others.

This year we will collaborate with the following entities: Càritas and Asilo del Santo Cristo.

This Christmas campaign is coordinated by the students of the 1st year of Bachillerato and in it we want all the stages to participate: Nursery, Infant, Primary Education, ESO and Bachillerato.

It is about bringing different products that will be distributed by the largest students of the school to the different entities on December 21 in the morning.

Nursery, Infant and Primary

Oil, sugar, salt, flour, tin cans (tuna, tomato, sardines), milk in brick or plastic bottle.

ESO and Baccalaureate 

Soap body, hand soap, toothpaste, moisturizer, soft cologne and wipes for children.

That is why we propose that, from Thursday the 13th to Thursday the 20th of December, those families that you want, you can bring your children the ones that are requested in stages.

It is also a good time to encourage them to think that they can do without or that they can contribute personally to help in the campaign.

Hoping your collaboration and taking advantage of the avinentesa, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Ethical leadership