Celebration of the XXIV Edition of the Floral Games.

This Monday, April 23th in the afternoon, the XXIV edition of the traditional Floral Games took place in the school, with which we commemorate the Sant Jordi day

The ESO and the Bachillerato celebrated this year a year in an act presented by the students of 2n of Bachillerato. The act began with the speech of the maintainer of this year, Mrs. Mª Teresa Rivera. Next, a selected selection of the winning poems was recited by the bursars of Bachillerato and proceeded to award prizes: a diploma and the rose for each winner. The delivery of diplomas was attended by the President of the school's AMPA, Mr. Josep Palmés, the director, Mrs. Montserrat Claramunt and Mrs. Mª Teresa Ribera.

Again, then, we enjoyed an afternoon full of poetry, words, music and feelings.

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