We celebrate the day of Non-Violence in schools

On January 30th, the whole school celebrated a day against Violence in schools and peace.

All the students of the Institució Igualada, from the youngest to the ESO, have done workshops and sessions in classrooms, to learn to live together with values ​​such as tolerance, solidarity and respect for human rights.

On Wednesday, January 30th, the youngest of the Household stamped their hands on a solidarity mural with a dove of peace. The children of the Parvulario drew the symbol of peace and made a routine of thought about respect for peers and coexistence. The students of Primary and ESO mounted the murals that had previously worked on the subject of plastic and culminated the day drawing the word "Pau" in the lawn of the patio and singing the song "The whole world."

Together we learned conflict resolution skills with self-regulation, empathy, resolving conflicts in a peaceful and dialogical way, expressing opinions in a calm, clear and tidy manner, etc.

Congratulations to all the teachers' faculty and all the students to share a bit in order to celebrate this Day!

Ethical leadership